Wild Life At The Zoo | Trailer | Starts Wednesday, 18 April at 8pm, ABC1

2016-01-18 1

| WILD LIFE AT THE ZOO is a fly-on-the-wall look into the workings of one of the world's most renowned zoos, Taronga - home to 340 species and 3,400 animals across 52 acres of prime real estate on the shores of Sydney Harbour.

Over eight episodes viewers will be treated to a range of dramatic and heartfelt events revealing the intimate bond that exists between the animals and their keepers. Between high risk medical procedures, moving chimps to their new multimillion dollar sanctuary or helping with the birth of Sumatran cubs, this series shouldn't be missed.

Wild Life At The Zoo is made by Imagination TV, who are responsible for hit animal series -- RSPCA Animal Rescue.